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Triathlon WA Proposed Constitution Changes 2022

Triathlon WA Proposed Constitution Changes 2022

Date: 29 Jul 2022
Posted: 1 year ago


In response to evolving governance expectations from Sport Australia (SportAus) and the WA Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC), the Triathlon WA Board has commissioned a working group to review the Association’s constitution to confirm it remains in line with governance best practice and the current business environment.


A Constitution Working Group has been established to oversee the constitution review. The members of the Committee are:

  • John McCann, Chair, TWA Board Member
  • Henrietta Farrell, TWA Board Member
  • James Nelson, TWA Member Representative
  • Fran Jones, Administration Manager, SportWest (Independent)
  • Ashleigh Apps, TWA Executive Director


A special resolution proposing constitutional changes will be presented for member vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 22 October 2022. A critical step in the process is member consultation and incorporation of member feedback in relation to the changes.

Members are invited to submit comments or questions to the Triathlon WA Executive Director, Ashleigh Apps, via admin@wa.triathlon.org.au, or by telephone on (08) 9443 9778. All feedback must be received before 12 noon AWST on Friday, 19 August 2022.

Members are also invited to participate in a Microsoft Teams online discussion with the Triathlon WA Board at 6:00pm – 7:00pm AWST on Wednesday, 17 August 2022. Please register below to attend.



Proposed changes distributed to members29 July 2022
Online member feedback session6:00pm 17 August 2022
Close of submissions for feedback12noon 19 August 2022
TWA Board review of Member feedback and proposed updated Constitution endorsed by Board31 August 2022
Notice of AGM, Special Resolution and Proxy Forms dispatched to members30 September 2022 (21 days prior to AGM)
Triathlon WA Annual General Meeting22 October 2022 at 3:15pm